How to Market a Roofing Business in 2024

December 18, 2023
By Fahad Zahid

If you own a roofing business or any business for that matter, marketing is always going to be a topic of interest. 

Marketing is how you get your name out there, generate leads and close sales. There are many different ways to market a business, but not all methods are created equal. 

Some marketing techniques are more effective than others, and some are more expensive than others. The key is to find the right mix of marketing techniques that work for your business and that you can afford.

Today, we will be talking about 10 ways that you can market your roofing business. We have used these methods to scale many roofing companies successfully. 

If you read this article till the end, I'll also share a bonus marketing method that not many companies have stepped into yet, and share which way is our favorite.

So without wasting any time further, let's get started on how to market a roofing company:

Effective Ways to Market a Roofing Business

1. Start by creating a website

The first step in marketing your roofing business is to create a website. This will allow you to showcase your work, list your services, and attract potential customers. Be sure to include high-quality photos of your work and testimonials from satisfied customers.

Here’s how some well-designed, user-friendly websites look:

 2. Optimise the Website For Search Engines

The website is the digital hub of all businesses nowadays, and it is essential to make sure that it is a search engine optimised to draw in organic traffic. SEO should be a vital part of the roofing marketing strategy, and several things can be done to optimise a website for better ranking, such as:

- Use keyword-rich titles and descriptions

- Optimise website speed and performance

- Improve site structure and navigation

- Create quality content that is shareable and informative

We optimized our client: HP Roofing’s website for search engines and the website is booming with organic traffic., hence increasing the number of leads they receive now.

Here’s how the website has performed in last three months:

3. Optimise Your Google My Business Profile

One of the first places potential customers will look for your roofing business is on Google. Make sure you're putting your best foot forward by optimising your Google My Business profile.

Some key things to include on your GMB profile are:

-A detailed description of your business and services

-Several high-quality photos

-Your business hours

-Your contact information

4. Make Sure You're Listed in Other Local Directories

There are several local directories online that list roofing contractors in specific geographic areas. Make sure your business is listed in as many of these as possible, as this will help increase your visibility among potential customers in your area.

Some of the most popular business directories include:

- Yelp

- Google My Business

- Angie's List

- HomeAdvisor

- Yellow Pages

5. Develop A Social Media Presence

Having a social media presence is essential for any business, but it's especially crucial for roofing businesses. By creating profiles on popular social media platforms and actively posting content, you can reach many potential customers and build trust with them. This can help you generate more leads and close more sales.

Here are some tips for marketing your roofing companies on social media:

Use attractive visuals: People are more likely to engage with content that includes visuals, so make sure to use high-quality photos and videos in your posts.

Post exciting content: To keep people engaged, you need to post interesting and relevant content to your target audience. This could include tips for choosing the right roofing contractor, information about new products, or stories about satisfied customers.

Be active: To be successful on social media, you need to be involved. This means posting regularly and responding to comments and messages on time.

6. Develop Relationships With Local Real Estate Agents.

One great way to market your roofing business is to develop relationships with local real estate agents. By getting involved with the agent community, you can let them know about your services and offer special deals for their clients. This will help you get more business, but it will also give you some great exposure in the community.

7. Work With Other Contractors To Get Referrals

There are two key ways to get referrals from other contractors. 

The first is by providing excellent service and delivering quality craft. Make sure you always aim to exceed your clients' expectations, so they'll be happy to refer you to their friends and family.

The second way to get referrals is by asking for them directly. When you've completed a job, don't be afraid to ask your client if they know anyone else who might need your services. If you have a good relationship with other contractors in your field, you can also ask them for referrals.

8. Create A Video About Your Company And Post It On Youtube

A video is worth a million words, and when it comes to promoting your roofing business, a video can be an incredibly powerful tool. By creating a video about your company and posting it on YouTube and your website, you can introduce potential customers to your business in an engaging and informative way.

When creating your video, make sure to include:

-An introduction to your company and what you do

-A tour of your facilities

-Interviews with employees, customers, or experts in your industry

-Highlights of your products or services

-Information about your history and experience

-Testimonials from satisfied customers

Posting your video on YouTube will allow you to reach a broad audience of potential customers, and embedding it on your website will give visitors the chance to learn more about your business without leaving your site.

9. Get More Reviews

The more reviews you have, the better! They help improve your ranking in search engines, and also give potential customers an insight into what others think of your business. There are a few things you can do to encourage more reviews:

  1. Make it easy for customers to leave reviews
  2. Respond to all reviews, both positive and negative
  3. Offer incentives for customers to leave reviews
  4. Use plugins or widgets to display your reviews on your website
  5. Promote your reviews on social media
  6. Ask customers for feedback in person
  7. Send follow-up emails after purchases or service appointments

10. Run Google Ads Campaign

If you want to get your business in front of potential customers, there's no better way than with a Google Ads campaign. Google Ads is an online advertising platform that allows businesses to create ads that appear on Google's search engine and other sites across the web.

With a Google Ads campaign, you can target potential customers based on their location, keywords they've searched for, and their interests. You can also set a budget for your campaign, so you don't spend more than you're comfortable with.

Bonus: Google's Local Services Ads

Google's Local Services Ads (LSAs) are a new way for businesses to advertise their services to customers in their area. LSAs are similar to Google Ads, but they're specifically designed for local businesses and service providers. LSA follows a pay-per-lead model, which means companies only pay when customers express interest in their services.

Learn more about how google ads are different from local service ads.

To get started with LSAs, businesses first need to sign up for a Google My Business account and create a profile. Then, they can begin creating ads and targeting customers in their area.

Our Favourite Roofer Marketing Strategy

We all know that generating leads is hard, but it's even harder when you're in the roofing business. So let’s tell you the most effective way to market your roofing business.

Roofers are always looking for new ways to generate more leads, and Social Gravity has a program called "Roofer's Digital Breakthrough Program" that can help you with this. We have a program that helps us generate leads through your website's SEO and roofing PPC Ads. This is precisely what you need to increase your roofing business.

Get Help to Market Your Roofing Company

If you need any help with marketing your roofing company, I'd love to offer you a 30 minutes strategy session where we can chat about your business and find a few quick wins for you to implement right away.

Frequently Asked Questions

What digital marketing strategies should I employ for my roofing business?

A combination of SEO (Search Engine Optimization), local SEO, content marketing, email marketing, and social media marketing can be particularly effective. Creating and maintaining a professional and user-friendly website should be a priority, along with optimizing your Google My Business profile for local search.

How can I improve my roofing company's online visibility?

Optimizing your website for SEO, claiming and improving your business listings on online directories, and actively posting on social media can greatly improve your online visibility. Regular blog posts on your website, guest posts on relevant sites, and encouraging customer reviews can also boost your online presence.

How do I use social media to market my roofing business?

Social media platforms are great for sharing content that showcases your expertise, like tips for roof maintenance, before and after project images, or customer testimonials. Engage with your followers, respond to their comments, and make sure to use local-specific hashtags to reach a wider local audience.

Why are online reviews important for my roofing business?

Online reviews help build trust and credibility. Many potential customers will research a company before deciding to hire them, and positive reviews can help sway their decision in your favor. Encourage your satisfied clients to leave reviews on platforms like Google My Business, Yelp, and your social media pages.

How can email marketing benefit my roofing business?

Email marketing can be used to nurture leads, stay top-of-mind with past clients, and promote special offers. Regularly send out newsletters containing useful information, company updates, or special promotions to keep your audience engaged and your brand at the forefront of their minds.

What is the importance of Local SEO for my roofing business?

Local SEO helps your roofing business to appear in local search results, making it easier for people in your area to find and contact you. By optimizing your website and online listings for local search, you can attract more qualified leads and increase your chances of converting them into customers.

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Author Fahad Zahid
Co-Founder @ Social Gravity

As a passionate Digital Marketer & YouTuber, Fahad Zahid, co-founder of Social Gravity, is known for helping home service & construction companies shine on the web with Paid Advertisement & SEO.