How to Get Roofing Leads? - 10 Easiest Ways

December 26, 2022
By Fahad Zahid

Most people think that getting leads for roofing is difficult. In reality, it's not as hard as it seems, especially if you use the correct methods.

Hi, I am Fahad Zahid, a roofing marketing specialist. This article will share the ten most effortless ways to get roofing leads.

Types of Roofing Leads

Before we talk about the ways to get, let's talk about the type of roofing leads:

Exclusive Roofing Leads

Exclusive roofing leads are leads that have been generated through a specific marketing campaign or effort. For example, if you run a Google AdWords campaign for roofing, the leads that you generate from that campaign would be considered exclusive leads.

If you want to get ahead of your competition, you need to focus on getting exclusive roofing leads. Exclusive roofing leads are people who have shown an interest in working with only one roofing company. These leads are not easy to come by, but they're worth the effort because of the high conversion rates.

Shared Roofing Leads

Shared roofing leads are from websites that connect homeowners who need a new roof with roofers in their area. Homeowners can get free quotes from local roofers, and roofers can find new customers by bidding on shared roofing jobs. Examples of websites provides shared roofing leads would be Angie's List, Yelp etc.

10 Effective Ways to Get Roofing leads (Free & Paid)

1. Google My Business Profile 

As a roofing contractor, you know that generating leads is essential to your business. And one of the best ways to get new leads is by using your Google My Business profile. Here is how you can use your Google My Business profile to generate leads for your roofing business:

  • Claim and optimise your profile.

When you create a Google My Business profile, claim your business and fill out as much information as possible. This will help potential customers learn more about your company and what you offer.

  • Upload photos of your work.

Photos are a great way to show potential customers your work. Be sure to upload photos of your best work and your team and company headquarters.

  • Adding a button.

Adding a call-to-action button to your profile is a great way to get leads. You can add a button for customers to request a quote, contact you, or learn more about your company.

Click here for a complete guide on optimising your roofing company's Google My Business profile.

2. Local Services Ads

Roofing companies should consider investing in local service ads for earning roofing leads. These ads are generally very cheap, costing around $10 - $15 per lead

They can be a great way to get more traffic to your website and generate more leads. With Local Service Ads, you only pay when a customer clicks on your ad and contacts you. Learn more about how Local Services Ads are a better option than Google Ads.

3. Direct Mail

You can use Direct Mail to get more roofing leads. This is a way to send letters or flyers to people's homes so that they will know about your company. You can include information about how you can help them with their roofing needs. Offline customers who do not use emails or social media may be targeted effectively with direct mail. 

So put this traditional marketing approach to good use and increase your outreach.

4. Door-Knocking

Roofers can also earn roofing leads with a door-knocking strategy - knocking on doors of potential clients in the neighbourhood and handing out business cards or flyers with information about the company. Door-knocking can be an effective way to get new leads when you're just starting the roofing business. However, it's not a strategy we recommend because it can be time-consuming and ineffective in the long run.

5. Referral Leads

Referral leads tend to be high-quality and convert well into sales. Ask your current clients for referrals to generate new leads. Your existing clients are your best source of referral leads because they're already familiar with your work, and they trust you.

After you finish a job, send a thank-you note or card and your business card. Mention that you would appreciate it if they refer you to any of their friends or family who might need your services. In this way, you can get relevant roofing leads without even spending a massive sum on marketing.

6. SEO for Roofing Companies

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) optimises your website to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs). This helps you get more organic traffic and earn more leads from people searching for roofing contractors online. By optimising your website and content for the right keywords, you can attract more potential customers organically who are interested in roofing services.

Getting leads through roofing SEO is better than running ads because it reaches more people interested in what you have to offer. Ads can be costly and might not get as many people as you want them to.

Get expert roofing SEO consultation from us if you want to earn leads and turn traffic into conversions. Our Roofer's Digital Breakthrough Program includes an aggressive SEO strategy that puts you on top of search engines in just 4-6 months.

7. PPC Advertising for Roofers

Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising is a form of paid online marketing where you pay for each click on your ad. It's a way to get your website in front of people already searching for roofing contractors online.

Google Ads may be an excellent source of roofing leads, but if you misuse them, they can be costly. If you decide to utilise Google Ads for your roofing company, make sure your advertisements are tailored to those in your region who are looking for roofing services. You'll also want to make sure that your website is optimised correctly so that when people click on your ad, they land on a page that's relevant to what they're looking for.

8. Collaboration with Other Contractors

Collaborating with other contractors can help you get more roofing leads. You can partner with other roofing companies or work with contractors in related fields. 

For example, if you own a roofing company, you could partner with a siding company. This would allow you to cross-promote each other's services and products to your respective customer bases. You could also collaborate with general contractors who often need roofing services for their projects. By partnering with other contractors, you can expand your reach and get more leads.

9. Review Listing Websites (Yelp, Homeadvisor etc.)

Yelp and other listing websites are a great way to get leads for your roofing business. You can list your business for free, and potential customers can easily find you. These websites are visited by thousands of people every day, so you're sure to get some leads from them.

To get the most out of these websites, you should create a good profile for your business. Include all the relevant information that potential customers would want to know, such as your contact details, roofing services offered, and prices. You should also include some photos of your work to show potential customers what you're capable of.

Email Marketing

Email marketing is an affordable way to reach out to many people quickly. You can target potential customers based on their location, needs, and budget. Email campaigns allow you to track your results to see how many people open and click through your links. So get started today and see how email marketing can help you get roofing leads.

Importance of Your Website to Generate Consistent Roofing Leads

While we didn't add this to our list, having an optimised website will be vital in generating consistent roofing leads. It is essential because it is one of the most powerful marketing tools you have, and it should be working for you 24/7.

When homeowners are looking for a roofing contractor, they will most likely start their search online. If your website is not optimised to rank high on search engines or if it's not user-friendly, you're missing out on a lot of potential leads.

Good roofing website design agencies usually charge way more than $1,000 for a well-optimised Roofing website. Still, they're focused on getting you more business, so it becomes a no-brainer from an ROI perspective. That's why we always recommend our clients to invest in their website. It is one of the best marketing investments because it will generate leads consistently and have a great ROI. If you're starting, you can get a simple website up and running that would cost you less than $1,000. 

However, if you're serious about scaling your business, don't fall for the trap of cheap websites because they will be a liability for your business in the long run. 

Best Way to Get Roofing Leads For Long-Run (Our Favorite Strategy)

Getting roofing leads through SEO can be a long-term investment, but it's well worth it. By optimising your website and content for search engines, you can attract more potential customers to your business. When you provide valuable information and resources on your website оr relevant keywords, you can attract visitors actively searching for roofing services. And as they say, the best way to win customers is to earn their trust.

If you are looking to acquire SEO services to improve your website's ranking in search engine results pages, we recommend using a reputable and experienced roofer marketing agency.

Social Gravity is one of the top digital marketing agencies that specialise in SEO for roofing contractors. For a detailed consultancy, book your one on one meeting with our experts today

Frequently Asked Questions

What are roofing leads?

Roofing leads are potential customers interested in roofing services, which may include roof repair, replacement, or maintenance. These leads can be homeowners, property managers, or even businesses requiring roofing solutions.

Why do I need to generate roofing leads for my business?

Generating roofing leads is crucial for the growth of your business. More leads mean more potential customers, leading to higher sales and profits. Without a steady stream of leads, it can be difficult for your roofing business to expand and thrive.

How long does it take to see results from digital marketing for roofing leads?

Digital marketing is a process that takes time to produce results. Typically, you may start seeing minor improvements in your lead generation within a few weeks. Significant results usually take a few months, depending on your current online presence and the strategies implemented.

Can I target specific locations or demographics for my roofing leads?

Yes, digital marketing allows for highly targeted campaigns. You can target specific locations, demographics, or even behaviors to ensure that your roofing services reach the most relevant audience.

What is the cost of acquiring roofing leads through digital marketing?

The cost of acquiring roofing leads can vary based on several factors, including your location, competition, the strategies used, and more. At Social Gravity, we work with you to create a budget-friendly, custom plan that suits your specific needs and goals.

How do I track the effectiveness of my roofing lead generation strategy?

With digital marketing, you have access to a variety of analytical tools to track your campaign's effectiveness. We provide regular reports detailing key performance indicators (KPIs), such as website traffic, lead conversion rates, and return on investment (ROI).

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Author Fahad Zahid
Co-Founder @ Social Gravity

As a passionate Digital Marketer & YouTuber, Fahad Zahid, co-founder of Social Gravity, is known for helping home service & construction companies shine on the web with Paid Advertisement & SEO.