How to Promote a Roofing Business on Google?

December 12, 2022
By Fahad Zahid

Digital marketing is a necessary component of any roofing business today. If you're not advertising your services through Google, you're missing out on a massive chunk of the market. But promoting a roofing business on Google can be tricky—there's a lot of competition, and it can be tough to stand out. Don't worry, though; I will show you four ways to promote your roofing business through Google to help you get started. These include:

  1. Google My Business
  2. Google Organic, i.e., SEO
  3. Local Services Ads
  4. Pay-per-click ads

Why Promote Your Roofing Business On Google?

If you're a roofing business, it's essential to ensure potential customers can easily find you online. One great way to do this is by promoting your business on Google.

Google is the most popular search engine globally, so you'll reach a large audience of potential customers by promoting your roofing business on it. Hence, it's essential to promote your business on Google to maximise your exposure. You'll get the following advantages:

Reach a large audience with your marketing message.

Connect with potential customers who are already searching for your services.

Benefit from Google's extensive search engine algorithms and online presence.

Connect with customers through Google AdWords, our pay-per-click (PPC) advertising programme.

Target potential customers by location, time of day, or type of device.

Get real-time reports that show how your marketing strategy is performing using Google Analytics.

Promoting your roofing business on Google is a great way to reach more potential customers and grow your business. If you're not sure where to start, contact a Google marketing expert today for help getting started.

Understanding The Google Search Results

Google My Business

If you want to promote your roofing business through Google, the first thing you need to do is create a Google My Business listing. This free service allows businesses to manage their online presence on Google. It includes a free website, a free listing in Google Maps, and the ability to manage customer reviews.

So if you are starting and looking for a free way to promote your business, then Google My Business is the solution for you.

To create a perfect Google My Business listing for your roofing company, check out this blog, where I explain the whole process.

Google Organic, i.e., SEO

SEO is an excellent way for roofing companies to get found on Google. The problem is that SEO can be complicated and time-consuming, so it's hard to find the time to do it yourself.

Once you have a website, you should start to put effort into SEO, but that is a long game. The best way to do this is to find a good roofing SEO company that can help you rank higher on Google.

At Social Gravity, we offer a full range of roofing SEO services, from initial consultations to ongoing optimisation and reporting. We can help you get your roofing company found online and generate more leads and conversions through improved organic search engine visibility.

Contact Social Gravity today to learn more about our SEO services for roofing companies!

Local Services Ads

Paid search advertising is a great way to promote your roofing business on Google. With local service ads, you can reach people in your area looking for roofing services. It's a low-cost, high-impact way to get your business ahead of potential customers.

Local service ads follow the pay-per-lead model. Paying for leads is a great way to get customers to your roofing business. You only pay when someone clicks on your ad and contacts you for more information. This makes it a very effective form of advertising, especially for businesses that are just starting out.

To create a local services ad campaign, you'll need to create a Google My Business account. You'll then need to provide information about your business, including your address, phone number, etc. Once you've made your account, you can create your campaign and choose the services you offer.

Create a campaign and target people in your local area to get started. Then, create an ad that highlights your roofing services. But before creating an ad, check your eligibility.

If you are eligible to create local service ads, add basic information about your business and fill in the services that you provide.

You will also need to submit relevant documents and go through background checks to qualify for local service ads.

Pay-per-click Ads

If you're looking for a way to reach more potential customers and grow your roofing business, Google Ads for roofing companies may be the perfect solution. With its extensive online presence and powerful search engine algorithms, you can connect with potential customers already searching for your services. The pay-per-click (PPC) model means you only pay when someone clicks on your ad.

That way, you can focus your budget on working ads and generating leads. 

Learn More: Google Ads vs. Local Service Ads

Create a campaign and target people in your local area to get started. Then, create an ad that highlights your roofing services. Be sure to include a call-to-action (CTA) so that people know what to do next.

What Is The Best Way To Promote My Roofing Business On Google?

This will depend on where you are in your business. Optimising your Google My Business profile is the best way to get started if you are beginning your roofing business. After you have completed your profile, get a website built for your business.

If you have an existing website, make sure that it is optimised for SEO and that you are actively blogging and posting new content regularly. SEO is a long-term process, so you should start early and wait for a few months to see leads coming in.

Alongside SEO, you can also get started with Google Local Service Ads. They are a cheap way to get leads, as you are only charged whenever a potential customer contacts you. It would usually cost you $15–$25, depending on where you're based.

If you have a good market and funds, you should start spending on Google Ads. Pay-per-click ads can be expensive for roofing businesses as it is a competitive industry, so make sure you target your ads well and write good ad copy to improve your click-through rate.

How Can We Help Promote Your Business On Google?

We at Social Gravity specialise in Google and search engine strategies for roofing companies. 

So, book a free strategy session with us today to get advice on which type of Google promotion is best based on your situation. We will also give you a tailored plan on how to execute it.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is Google a good platform for promoting my roofing business?

Google is one of the largest and most widely used search engines in the world. When people need roofing services, they often turn to Google to find providers near them. By effectively promoting your business on Google, you increase your visibility to potential customers, ultimately leading to more inquiries and jobs.

How can I use Google Ads to promote my roofing business?

Google Ads is a powerful tool that allows you to advertise your services to people who are actively searching for roofing businesses. You can target specific areas, demographics, and keywords to reach potential customers who are likely to require your services. It's a cost-effective way to drive more traffic to your website and convert visitors into customers.

What is Google My Business and how can it benefit my roofing business?

Google My Business is a free tool that allows businesses to manage their online presence across Google, including Search and Maps. By creating and optimizing your Google My Business listing, you can improve your visibility in local searches, display useful information about your business, and attract more customers.

How can SEO help me get more clients for my roofing business?

SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, involves optimizing your website and online content to rank higher in Google search results. The higher your website ranks, the more likely potential clients are to click on your link. For roofing businesses, focusing on local SEO can be particularly beneficial, as it helps you reach people in your area who need your services.

Can I use Google Reviews to boost my roofing business?

Absolutely! Online reviews are a powerful way to build trust and credibility. Many people check reviews before deciding on a service provider, so having positive reviews on Google can significantly influence potential customers' decisions and attract more business.

What are some best practices for creating a roofing ad on Google?

An effective roofing ad on Google should have a clear, concise headline, a compelling call to action, and should highlight what makes your business stand out. It's also crucial to target the right keywords and locations to reach potential customers who are most likely to need your services.

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Author Fahad Zahid
Co-Founder @ Social Gravity

As a passionate Digital Marketer & YouTuber, Fahad Zahid, co-founder of Social Gravity, is known for helping home service & construction companies shine on the web with Paid Advertisement & SEO.