Meet Fahad, Founder of Social Gravity

Fahad brings an extensive background in SEO, Paid advertisement & Inbound marketing to Social Gravity and has been able to transform the company into a Digital Marketing powerhouse for home service businesses.

Fahad's journey started at another generalist marketing agency where he gained his initial experience working with home service businesses. However, he quickly realized that these techniques weren't effective for home service marketing.

Fahad brought together a team of marketing specialists to execute on his vision. With the help of his team he was able to create a comprehensive marketing solution that helps local business owners reach their goals while providing exceptional service and customer support.
Starting a business is never easy, and Fahad had his fair share of struggles. His journey was filled with challenges, setbacks, and long hours & years of hard work.
But Fahad never gave up. He poured all his knowledge, experience, and passion into Social Gravity, constantly pushing himself to do better.
Fahad didn't stop there. Fahad's commitment to education led him to start a YouTube channel where he shares his knowledge & expertise on SEO and home services marketing.

Going through different stages and overcoming various obstacles as an entrepreneur, I know exactly what It takes to get here. My sole mission & goal is to help passionate business owners in scaling their businesses with with structured marketing & scalable sales process.

Fahad Zahid
Co-Founder @ Social Gravity

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