Best Advertisement Methods for Roofing Contractors

Digital Marketing
July 17, 2023
By Fahad Zahid

In the highly competitive roofing industry, standing out from the crowd is essential. This guide will provide you with the best strategies to effectively advertise your roofing business, whether you're an established contractor or just starting.

From online advertising to local events and print publications, we'll cover the most effective platforms and methods to reach your potential customers. What's more, we'll provide you with a straightforward method to create a simple yet effective marketing plan for your roofing business. 

Interested? Keep reading ahead to learn about the berst advertising methods for roofing businesses!

Pay-Per-Click Advertising

Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising is one of the most direct ways to get your roofing business noticed online. By bidding on specific keywords related to your business, your ads can appear at the top of search engine results on platforms such as Google and Bing.

PPC advertising lets you pay only when someone clicks on your ad, making it a cost-effective strategy. Your ad's success largely depends on the content you create for it; engaging and informative content is key to driving visitors to your website.

Social Media Advertising

Social media platforms are a goldmine for roofing contractors looking to reach potential customers. The trick is to focus your advertising efforts on the platforms your customers visit the most.

Here's a snapshot of the user demographics for some of the most popular social media platforms:

  • Facebook - Used by all age groups and genders, primarily in urban areas.
  • Instagram - Popular among a younger, predominantly female audience, with a focus on visual content.
  • LinkedIn - Widely used by professionals and businesses across all age groups and genders.
  • Pinterest - Favoured by women aged 18-64, with almost exclusively photo or graphic content.

Depending on your target audience, choose the appropriate platform(s) for your social media advertising. For instance, if your target customers are residential homeowners, Pinterest and Instagram might be ideal platforms for showcasing your roofing projects. On the other hand, if you cater to commercial clients, LinkedIn could be a more effective platform for reaching out to business owners and professionals.

Specialised Online Directories and Apps

Online directories and apps like Thumbtack, Builder Central and Houzz are excellent platforms for advertising your roofing business. Most of these platforms let you create a profile for free, but you can opt for paid listings or advertisements to boost your visibility.

Complete your online profile with detailed information about your services, contact details, and images of your completed projects. Encourage your clients to leave reviews on your profile, as positive reviews can significantly enhance your visibility in search listings.

General Online Directories

Listings on general online directories like YellowPages and Golden Pages can boost your online presence and make your roofing business more visible to potential customers. Although these directories offer free listings, you can opt for paid advertisements or sponsored listings for better visibility.

Advertising at Events

Events offer a unique opportunity for face-to-face interaction with potential customers and can be an effective platform for advertising your roofing business.

Trade and Home Shows

Trade and home shows provide an excellent platform for meeting potential clients and showcasing your roofing services. Depending on your target market, you can opt for local, regional, or even national shows. Sponsorships can enhance your visibility at these shows, ensuring that your brand gets noticed, even if attendees miss your booth.

Community Events

Sponsorship of local community events and charities is a great way to boost your brand visibility and foster goodwill in your community. Sponsorship packages often include advertising opportunities, allowing you to reach a wider audience.

Print Advertising

Direct Mail

In the digital age, direct mail can leave a lasting impression. By purchasing local mailing lists, you can target potential customers in your area directly. There are services available that handle the entire direct mailing process for you, from design to mailing, freeing you up to focus on running your business.

Regional Publications

Advertising in regional magazines or other publications can also be an effective way to reach potential customers. In addition to online advertisements, consider print ads for a change of pace.

How to Create a Simple Marketing Plan for Roofers?

Creating a marketing plan need not be overwhelming. Here's a simple guide to get you started:

  1. Current State of Your Business - Note down your business details, services provided, marketing strengths and challenges, competitors, and any upcoming events or trends that could impact your business.
  2. Target Audience - Define the demographics of your potential clients. If your clients are businesses, note down their characteristics.
  3. Marketing Goals - Set specific, measurable, and realistic marketing goals for the next year.
  4. Marketing Strategies and Tactics - Outline the marketing strategies and tactics you plan to use to achieve your goals. Also, include a timeline for each tactic.
  5. Budget - Allocate a budget for each of your tactics based on your overall marketing budget. If some tactics are more expensive, consider spreading them out over time to fit your budget.


Effective advertising is all about understanding your potential customers. By knowing your audience and targeting your marketing efforts appropriately, you can reach out to your potential customers and start building relationships.

Remember, it takes multiple exposures to a brand before a person decides to engage with them. Therefore, using a mix of advertising platforms and methods can help you reach your target audience and start building a relationship with them.

At Social Gravity, we specialise in helping roofing contractors like you to navigate the complex world of advertising. Contact us today to start marketing your roofing business effectively. We provide clear, professional advice and solutions in a simplified and accessible way. Let's start building your success story together!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising and how can it benefit my roofing business?

PPC advertising is a form of online advertising where you pay a fee each time someone clicks on your ad. It's a direct way to get your roofing business noticed online. By bidding on specific keywords related to your business, your ads can appear at the top of search engine results on platforms like Google and Bing. It's cost-effective as you only pay when someone clicks on your ad.

Which social media platforms should I use for advertising my roofing services?

The choice of social media platform depends on your target audience. If your customers are residential homeowners, Pinterest and Instagram might be ideal for showcasing your roofing projects. If you had commercial clients, LinkedIn could be a more effective platform for reaching out to business owners and professionals.

How can online directories and apps help in advertising my roofing business?

Online directories and apps like Thumbtack, Builder Central, and Houzz are excellent platforms for advertising your roofing business. They allow you to create a profile for free, provide detailed information about your services, and showcase images of your completed projects. Positive reviews on your profile can significantly enhance your visibility in search listings.

What are the benefits of advertising at events?

Events offer a unique opportunity for face-to-face interaction with potential customers. Trade and home shows provide a platform for meeting potential clients and showcasing your services. Sponsorship of local community events can boost your brand's visibility and foster goodwill in your community.

How can direct mail and regional publications help in advertising my roofing business?

Direct mail can leave a lasting impression by targeting potential customers in your area directly. Advertising in regional publications can also be an effective way to reach potential customers. These traditional methods can complement your online advertising efforts.

How do I create a simple marketing plan for my roofing business?

Start by noting down your business details, services, marketing strengths, and challenges. Define your target audience and set specific, measurable, and realistic marketing goals. Outline the marketing strategies and tactics you plan to use, and allocate a budget for each tactic based on your overall marketing budget.

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Author Fahad Zahid
Co-Founder @ Social Gravity

As a passionate Digital Marketer & YouTuber, Fahad Zahid, co-founder of Social Gravity, is known for helping home service & construction companies shine on the web with Paid Advertisement & SEO.