What Made Kevin Trust Another SEO Agency After One Bad Experience?

About New Century Plumbing & Heating

New Century Plumbing & Heating is a plumbing company based in Dublin, owned by Kevin McDonnell who has over 40 years in this field.

They have an extremely skillful team providing plumbing services to households and businesses around county Dublin.

New Century ensures customer satisfaction and that’s what gives them a competitive edge.

Visit Their Website


Kevin,  the owner of New Century plumbing, had a website before taking Social Gravity on board.

He hired an SEO agency for amost a year who could not bring a single lead from SEO or Google ads for the entire year. They kept telling Kevin that it takes time to get results, however he was never given an opportunity to check their performance as the agency was not transparent enough with the reports.

When we met Kevin he said “SEOs keep saying it takes time to see the results but 1 year is good enough to atleast get a few customers.”

The Solution

When we started working on the business, the very first thing we did was to analyze the current SEO position to find out where the problem was and what the previous agency was doing wrong.

It turned out that they were using obsolete SEO techniques that gave results back in 2010. 

Within 5 months of working with Social Gravity, they observed significant growth in the phone calls. We installed a call tracking tool called WhatConverts that showed exactly how many calls came in through the website and how many of them were qualified leads.

Hence, they were able to accurately track the amount of leads and phone calls their business is getting per month.

The Results

We not only helped Kevin in increasing the traffic but also optimized the website to convert better by optimizing the website speed, adding call to actions buttons, live chat etc.

Following these optimizations, the number of leads coming every month drastically improved. Kevin couldn’t say anything except “ I wish i’ve known about Social Gravity before

This is how their website used to look like: 

After updating their website: 

This is what Kevin had to say

“I’ve been working with Fahad for the last 6 months. The traffic to my website has increased dramatically.

I found him very easy to get on with, and also he’s a very honest man. I highly recommend him for this type of work.”

Kevin McDonnell

Owner – New Century Plumbing

Are you looking to market your plumbing company? Get in touch with Social Gravity for a no-obligation quote!

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